Fox announced her pregnancy with her fourth child on Instagram on Monday, November 11. Despite already having three children and two marriages, Megan Fox has never shied away from lively parties, especially those hosted by rapper Diddy. Known as Hollywood’s "s*x symbol," it’s no surprise that Fox caught Diddy’s attention, and the Transformers actress seemed to welcome it.
Having previously attended several of Diddy’s “White Parties,” Fox has always appeared to enjoy his flirtatious gestures. Even though, when controversies about the “music mogul” emerged, Megan was one of the first celebrities to delete all posts on Instagram and deactivate her X account (formerly Twitter), we can’t ignore the connections between the two.
Speculation intensified when Megan reportedly had two private meetings with Diddy shortly before his arrest. These private encounters coincided with a period when Fox’s fiancé, Machine Gun Kelly, was on an extended overseas trip. Megan’s concern and unusual behavior during Diddy’s legal troubles raised new questions: Is Fox worried about a friend in the entertainment industry or the father of her fourth child?
All these speculations will ultimately be answered when the baby is born, as skin color is not something that can easily be hidden.