A heartbreaking mix-up in Northbridge, Massachusetts, has left a family grieving after their beloved pet dog, Odin, was mistaken for a coyote and fatally shot by an animal control officer. The incident, described as a tragic misunderstanding by local authorities, has sparked outrage from the dog’s owner and a wave of community support.
The Incident
The shooting occurred on Tuesday after police received a report of a coyote in a residential backyard. Timothy Labrie, Northbridge’s police chief, explained that the animal control officer ventured into the woods in search of the coyote. Upon encountering what they believed to be a threatening animal, the officer fired.
It wasn’t until after the shooting that the officer realized the animal was a dog, identified by its flea collar. Authorities later located the dog’s owner, Kirk Rumford, who described Odin as a playful and loving husky, less than a year old.
Owner’s Heartbreak and Anger
Rumford expressed disbelief over the incident, insisting that his dog looked nothing like a coyote. “My dog would have been the most gorgeous coyote ever, on steroids,” he said. “He looked like a wolf, if anything, and there are no wolves in Massachusetts.”
Odin, affectionately called a “loveable klutz” by Rumford, had a reputation for his friendly and playful nature. The grieving owner criticized the use of lethal force, suggesting non-lethal methods could have resolved the situation.
Rumford’s story has resonated with the community, as many have rallied to support him and his hope to prevent similar incidents in the future.
Authorities’ Response
Chief Labrie defended the animal control officer, citing the increasing frequency of coyote sightings and attacks in the area. “It was reasonable for the officer to mistake the dog for a coyote,” Labrie said, adding that the officer would not face disciplinary action.
Labrie emphasized the importance of dog owners taking precautions to prevent such tragic mix-ups. “We do have leash laws. Keep your fenced-in areas secure and ensure your dog has clear identifying markers, especially if they wander into the woods,” he advised.
The Bigger Picture
The incident comes amid growing concerns about coyote populations in Massachusetts. Some communities, such as Nahant, have even contracted with federal agencies to cull coyotes after reports of pets being killed and residents feeling threatened.
However, experts warn that aggressive coyote control measures might not be the solution. Remington Moll, a natural resources professor at the University of New Hampshire, recently published a study suggesting that intensive coyote hunting could lead to younger populations with higher reproduction rates, potentially increasing their numbers in the long term.
Moving Forward
While Northbridge grapples with this tragic event, it highlights the challenges of coexisting with wildlife in suburban areas. For Rumford, the loss of Odin is a painful reminder of the importance of proper identification and careful decision-making in wildlife management.
As the town mourns the loss of a family pet, Odin’s story serves as a cautionary tale—one that underscores the need for balance between safety and compassion in handling human-wildlife interactions.